Riding a motorcycle is very common in almost all country because of convenience, benefits, and it is much cheaper compared to having a car. However, for the past couple of years there are issues regarding the safety of riders and passengers of motorcycle especially when people are being forgetful when it comes to wearing safety gears such as helmets and best motorcycle gloves. Gloves are essential when it comes to driving a motorcycle because the holders tend to be slippery. For the past years there are thousands of recorded accidents related to motorcycle. Common cause of accidents: drunk driving, driving faster than the speed limit, and the driver got distracted.
Since we are already in the subject of distractions, there are various forms of distractions a driver may encounter: too much vehicles surrounding him or noisy background. Aside from these, some people say that music can lead the driver from mild to extreme accidents. But personally, based from my own experience, I don’t think that music is a threat to every motorcycle driver. I used to driver that kind of vehicle years ago and it is either I listen to music with earphones, Bluetooth installed on my vehicle, or the music or radio on my vehicle and I would say that music helps me concentrate while driving. Moreover, it also improves my driving skills.
But of course a driver must know his/her limitations. Music is not that dangerous and harmful unless the driver increases the volume to the point where the vehicles surrounding will get distracted or when he suddenly cannot hear from wearing earphones. There was one time when I decided to go to a friend’s house with my motorcycle and since I am the type of person who likes music, I brought my mobile phone and Bluetooth earphone with me to listen to my favorite song while driving. I happen to almost in to and accident because I could not hear the horns from other vehicles behind me.
To wrap it up, music can be beneficial to motorcycle drivers as long as he/she knows the word control and discipline.