A resurgence of comedy music has been trending in recent years, driven by the growing popularity of short funny music videos among social media users. Deemed as the perfect content by TikTok’s algorithm, the humorous and catchy snippets of music videos have been going viral in social media platforms since 2022.
TikTok in particular has been seeing an increasing number of users creating comedy music content that has been going viral every year. Apparently, the modern breed of social media audience are made up of users who enjoy watching endless tracks of parody music. They have been sharing this type of music genre to a broad range of audience, thereby virally pushing comedy songs back into the mainstream of musical entertainment.
Even record producers have taken notice of the wide acceptance and appreciation of the comedy songs that have been going viral. Record labels are taking action by offering to provide support to promising comedy music artists in covering record production expenses, marketing and touring costs. That way, comedy music artists can fully devote their time to creating tracks with humorous takes on everyday life and important issues.
Kyle Gordon and His “Planet of the Bass” as a Representation of Modern Comedy Music
In 2023, Kyle Gordon, came up with a comedy content that immediately went viral in the TikTok social media platform. Combining humour and nostalgia,Gordon’s comedic track presents an amusing take of the Eurodance music that became popular during the 1990s.
Gordon, along with social media influencer Audrey Trullinger, appeared in the short comedic music video as “DJ Crazy Times” and “Ms. Biljana Electronica”, portraying fictional icons of the electronic dance music that became popular in Europe during the 1990s.
The 50-second TikTok video clip immediately went viral; garnering a multitude of views and likes and quickly spread across the Internet as a popular meme. Shortly thereafter, Gordon collaborated with fellow singer-songwriter Chrissi Poland in creating a full-length version of the TikTok musical skit. The song became such a hit, Kyle Gordon was invited to perform it live at a Jonas Brother concert in August of 2023.